Any business that we insure has what we like to call a Risk Profile. That profile is made up of a mix of elements including things like loss ratio, severity of claims, frequency of claims, safety management, improvement measures taken throughout the year, exposures and emergency preparedness, to name a few. If you are able to show progressive increases to your risk profile, your company will be looked on more favorably by insurance carriers, thereby decreasing your overall insurance expense and leaving you with more profits at year end.
RWR Insurance is a full service insurance agency. Claims and Risk Management are two very large pieces to that statement. Poor handling of your claims can cause you to incur extra expenses. Part of our job as your provider is to not only see improvement in your Risk Profile, but also to find the right insurance carrier that matches with your business. That is why we have an in-house Claims and Risk Management Team dedicated to you as an RWR client.
Our Claims and Risk Management Team goes through a four-step process; Click on each one to find out more.